Foundational principles and tools of AHG to equip and partner with volunteers, 
creating a culture for girls to walk in the authority of their calling in the Kingdom.

February 2021


“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45, NIV

AHG’s desire is for girls to cultivate a heart of service. Jesus is the perfect model to look to in how He served and loved all people. Through serving others girls can live out the AHG Creed.

Giving of your time and resources in order to benefit someone else is the AHG definition of service. Serving is often a highlight of the girl’s AHG experience. A great way to identify service opportunities is to talk with the girls about ways they would like to serve their community and the Charter Organization.

Service is also a great way to provide girls an opportunity to lead. As they grow in confidence through service and compassion for others, girls may discover ways that God is calling them now and in their future. Service is the heartbeat of AHG.


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:6-7, NIV

Social and emotional development are closely related. In the AHG Program, girls are learning to live the life Christ modeled and remembering they are created in the image of God. By strengthening their relationship with God, He will guide them relationally in expressing emotions, words, and actions. The Troop is a place to share fun, laughter, adventure, and build positive relationships. The girls will grow emotionally and socially by being around other girls during the many activities and events in AHG. Positive relationships grow healthy social skills and emotions. Just as these are the goals for the girls, it is AHG’s prayer that volunteers experience emotional growth and cultivate authentic community with one another.

To equip you with implementing this Program Emphasis, AHGresource is furnished with tools such as A Christ-Centered Balanced and Progressive Program, and Program Emphases Overview. The 2020 AHG Girl Handbooks each provide a page of information which is a great way to begin the conversation of this topic with the girls. (TH/EX, Page 40; PI/PA, Page 46)

Value and Role of a Charter

The relationship between a Charter Organization and its Troop is designed to be a partnership. As a ministry partner, the AHG Troop serves as an extension of the Charter Organization. AHG values the role of the Charter Organization in the AHG Ministry as they are the “owners” of their Troop. The Charter Organization is the final decision maker regarding any Troop decision. The finances of a Troop are owned and stewarded by the Charter Organization. Each Troop works alongside their Charter to plan and implement the AHG Program, budget, and spiritual development for their members.

The Troop Board structure includes a Charter Representative who is appointed by the Head Decision Maker of the Charter. The Charter Representative is trusted and authorized to act on behalf of the Charter Organization and will oversee all Troop Activities.

Benefits of a strong Charter and Troop relationship include but are not limited to:

  • Leadership and direction for the Troop
  • Conflict resolution leadership
  • Financial assistance if needed
  • Safe and adequate meeting facilities

If you have questions about the Charter and Troop relationship a great place to start would be discussing the Charter Organization Ministry Agreement (COMA) with your Charter Representative. You can also reach out to your Hometown Mentor or Troop Coach with any further questions.

Health and Safety

AHG desires that every girl experiences a safe and healthy environment. As part of the Troop’s planning of any activity or event, AHG Health and Safety Policies and Guidelines should be reviewed. All Health and Safety Policies and Guidelines are designed to keep girls, volunteers, and Charter Organizations safe. In order for registered Girl and Adult Members and the Charter Organization to benefit from AHG’s Liability Insurance Coverage, all Health and Safety Policies must be followed. Implementing Health and Safety Policies and Guidelines can sometimes pose a challenge for the Troop. To brainstorm ideas of how to properly implement Health and Safety Policies and Guidelines, discuss with your Charter Organization and Hometown Mentor or Troop Coach.

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
Matthew 10:16, NIV

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 

1 Peter 2:4-5, NIV

Looking for previous editions of AHG Cornerstone? 
Below are all available months for review!

January 2021

American Heritage Girls | 35 Tri-County Parkway | Cincinnati, OH 45246 | (513) 771-2025